Economic Development and Social Integration
Support for Migrants and Refugees
All our support and services are delivered in our clients’ preferred language and through people from their own, or similar, culture.
SMART Start Business; Support for Migrants and Refugees to Start Business is a social enterprise dedicated to providing different types of support for the CALD Community members (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) community members to help them better integrate in their new home, New Zealand. We believe that there are so many gaps and missing pieces in the support currently available for the CALD community and we made it our ultimate objective to fill these gaps with the right pieces to complete the picture.
Our Philosophy.
We believe that in order to achieve equality in the outcome we should apply equity to the process and not the other way around. People are different, come from different cultural, religious, economic and educational backgrounds and therefore their needs and challenges are also different. One size fit all support models cannot be effective and efficient when working with very diverse people like our CALD Community members.
CALD Community members contributing to New Zealand’s economy and society at a high level, best utilizing their skills, qualifications and expertise, economically developed and independent and socially integrated.
Mission Statement
Introduce our philosophy to the community, advocate it with government policy makers and apply it into our programs. Help CALD Community members and kiwis from migrants and refugee backgrounds help themselves achieve more sustainable and developed economic status as well as emotional wellbeing and social integration by enabling them to overcome all cultural, emotional, cognitive and practical barriers, obstacles and challenges they face in their resettlement and development journey.
Support & Programs
SMART Start Business programs are designed to support and assist CALD community members and migrants and refugees to make their social integration, family resettlement, and financial well-being journey easier, less stressful and more positive. In addition to its wide range of programs, SSB offers support and advocate for different ethnic communities in a wide range of issues including; employment, access to finance, education and family resettlement. If yo want to know more, please contact us directly for a free information meeting.